New! Discover The Digital Profit Method 2
Ex Factory Workers Stumbled Upon Which Generates $644.81 Every Single Day!
Attention - Next Price Increase in:
From: Dan Sumner & John Thornhill
Subject: Generating $644.81 Per Day!
Foreword From John...
The method we are about to reveal is generating at least $644.81 on JVZoo every single day. It's newbie friendly, and can quite easily get you generating at least $50 per day within days and...This works on the Warrior + platform...
You can get started on a shoestring budget, and put this into practice right away within 30 minutes from now.
We know this works because we've been doing this ourselves successfully since 2004.
But first of all we need to take a step back and reveal how we stumbled upon this method that changed our lives.
We Need to go Back to 2002, And Back
to The Factory Where it All Started
I remember it like it was yesterday. My boss called me into his office to deliver the bad news.
"John, we're making cut backs and I can give you 2 choices, you move to a new department or you leave"
As a high school dropout with very few qualifications there was no way I could leave. I had a mortgage and 2 young sons to support. So I chose to be transferred.
"Where are you moving me to?" I asked.
"We're sending you to the door line"
I was literally getting sent from one side of the factory to the other. I felt like the new kid getting sent to a different school, I knew no one, and I had to start over.
But it was worse than that...
The dreaded 'door line' was where the car doors were built before being put on the cars. This was a place no one wanted to work as the job involved working at a frantic pace to keep up with the production line.
I was basically turned into a human robot.

Actual photo of the exact spot where I used to work
Yes, that's a photo of the dreaded production line where I used to work. We had to fit parts to the car doors in 90 second cycles, the job involved doing the same thing over and over and over again. It was hot, dirty and was incredibly hard work.
Fortunately something good came of my transfer, as that's when I first met my good friend and now business partner Dan Sumner. We actually worked next to each other on the production line and it was there where it all started.
We started to talk about various ways to make money and one place kept coming up in conversation...
The Internet!
We started dabbling in many different projects ranging from selling Cell Phone accessories on eBay, to affiliate marketing, to drop shipping and many other things.
And it was eBay where we had our early successes, nothing to write home about but we were making small profit.
That's When we Had Our Breakthrough
We were casually working away one day when Dan turned to me and said the words that has literally changed our lives.
"Why don't you teach others how you're making money on eBay"
He was right, I had a system I was using that was bringing in a few hundred dollars per week. However it was a system I knew others would want to learn, so I created my first info product and put it online for sale.
Then it happened
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
Subject: Sale notification
My inbox was filling up with sale notifications, while I was at work, while I was sleeping, while I was watching TV. They didn't stop.
Dan quickly saw the success I was having and followed suit, just a couple of weeks later he was selling his first info product and within months we we're bringing in more money from our online business than we were in wages working at the factory.
This was in 2004 and since then we have created hundreds of products that have generated millions in sales.
If there's one thing we've learned in our 20+ years combined experience it's this..
You Absolutely Must Master Product
Creation if You Want to Succeed Online
We already know what you're going to say now.
"Why can't I just do affiliate marketing? It's easier"
You're right, it is easier, but how is that going for you right now? Most would be affiliates haven't even earned their first cent online yet, and even if they have I know they aren't generating the sort of income they desire.
Now don't get me wrong, affiliate marketing is great and we've generated millions of dollars in commissions as affiliates. However, our affiliate earnings are generated from the lists we build from selling our own products. The truth is if we weren't selling our own products we'd suck at affiliate marketing.

I am a top affiliate on JVZoo as a direct result of creating my own products
Also, the biggest problem you face when you're an affiliate is you are the only one sending the traffic to your offer.
When you're a product creator you can have an army of affiliates sending traffic to your offer... Check this out below:

So hopefully we've convinced you that you absolutely must be creating and selling your own products online. This is the number one thing you need to master. If you don't believe us show me one successful Internet Marketer that isn't selling a product of their own online. I don't know of one.
Have we convinced you?
Now are you ready for another hard hitting 'truth' about product creation?
The Truth is Most Marketers
Suck at Product Creation
There, we said it, it's not just a case of throwing a report together that you think will make you some cash and expect it to do well. It doesn't work that way. It's amazing how many want-to-be product creators actually think a crappy report will make them their fortunes.
The reality of it all is, without prior product planning and development your project is set to fail from the start. Without a structure to follow you increase your chances of missing vital elements of the product development process, which can be disastrous to your future product creation efforts, and your profits.
It's almost guaranteed you've seen poor products before. There is an online world full of bad products! Ok, maybe bad product is the wrong choice of words, and we should give people the benefit of the doubt in not having the right guidance, knowledge, or experience to create a profitable product.
We should also give any new product creator credit for creating a product in the first place. It takes a lot of guts to make a start. However, what new product creators fail to notice are the flaws their products actually have.
From a development point of view, creators get so wrapped up in their products and what they have achieved that they fail to see the actual flaws! All they see is a masterpiece and become blinded by the love for their own creation.
This may hurt the feelings of most but it takes an outside opinion to point out these problems so they can see the truth that their product isn't as good as they think.
We see all of these mistakes daily

Let us Show You How to Create a Product That Sells
Even if You've Never Created a Product Before
We review products on a daily basis and all of the above element come into play at some point or another. The crazy thing is... People are surprised and sometimes even hurt by the comments we send back!
Let me tell you something that may hurt!
Your product isn't going to make a dime without expert help and guidance. Forget about the idea of putting up bad products and expecting them to sell.. They won't so stop wasting time!
What if There Was a Way For You to Create The Perfect Product Over and Over Again?
We launched our first products waaaay back in 2004, and since then we've created and launched 100s of products. Because of this we have our product creation system nailed down.
And now we're sharing everything we know with you.
We have spent a long time developing a killer system which will allow you to create the perfect product that sells time and time again.
Ask yourself a question?
Why would you create a poor product that looks completely unappealing, has no chance of making sales and could ruin your reputation as an Internet Marketer?
So guess what we want provide you with? Knowledge...
Our knowledge will become your knowledge, you will learn the skills we have learned from over 20 years of product marketing and creation without any of the pit falls.
We have been involved in some highly successful projects that have generated millions.

These products are just a small portion of the products we have been involved in. All of these websites have accumulated massive profits and still continue to do so today. Take a look at just some of the earnings from our latest launches using the Digital Profit Master formula.

This is just a small taste of the profits you could earn when creating your own products the right way!
Take a Look at What YOU Can Achieve Using a Concrete Strategy
We want to show you the system we have perfected over years of trial and error that will enable you to become a Digital Profit Master.

Digital Profit Master is a Compete 6 module course with over 30 hugely informative video tutorials and audio's. Each Tutorial will reveal all the secrets to online product creation we've perfected in over 20 combined years creating our own products.
Having this super high quality information at your finger tips will secure your future and allow you to create the kind of products that sell in the masses and create an online income that could change your life!
Digital Profit Master is a Complete STEP BY STEP System to Creating the ULTIMATE Product!
What is Included When YOU Invest in Digital Profit Master?

But that's not all! We don't do anything by half... This is why we are giving you even more!
Take a Look at all the Extras we are Giving YOU Today!

Check out some of the OUTSTANDING material inside!

These are just some of things we will teach you with Digital Profit Master. Thanks to this formula we have created and the system that we have used to create 1000’s and 1000's of Dollars in sales.
Inside Digital Profit Master we will show you step by step the exact methods we used to create some fantastic products for both ourselves and for our high value clients.
Moreover, we are going to give you a step by step success master plan that will reveal every single aspect of the product creation process. This is the exact system that we use to create successful products that provides a winning combination every time.
You will be astounded as we reveal our most closely guarded secrets for the very first time. We explain everything in great detail to ensure you learn exactly how to create and benefit from Digital Profit Master from the first module guaranteed.
Take a Look at How Much People Value Our Opinion...
This is quite simply the most enjoyable testimonial that I’ve ever written because without your help and support I wouldn’t be here now. Not too long ago I was a tired school teacher, and now I’m a full time marketer spending my time doing what I’d always dreamed of. If it wasn’t for your help and support then right now I’d still be in my old classroom rather than working from the comfort of my own home. Thanks for all the help and support via email, and if you give your new students even 10% of the help you gave me, then there’s going to be a lot of new marketers going full time in the near future!
Lee McIntyre
Product creation is the lifeline to digital profit success. Without a good product and excellent guidance it’s an up hill struggle from day 1!
John and Dan are the perfect combination to get your digital product off the ground. With over 20 years product creation between them, they have seen and done it all.
If you are going to invest in something today, invest in Digital Profit Master! It’s the smart choice…
Dave Nicholson
Hey Guys,
Thanks for a look inside Digital Profit Master just superb!.
John and Dan are the go to guys when it comes to creating your own products. Why? Well, they have a proven track record of over-delivering both quality and quantity in there training programs. They don’t just talk the talk they walk the walk with multiple JV Zoo product of the day awards.
With Digital Profit Master, John and Dan have set the bar very, very high when it comes to product creation courses. Easy to follow, easy to implement rock solid real word advice. Digital Profit Master is an absolute MUST HAVE to anyone wanting to create their own range of best selling products.
Well done guys this is outstanding!
Robert Corrigan
Since joining your program my first major product launch has grossed $6446 so far and $100s of recurring income is still coming in each month. I have added over 16,000 subscribers to my list and am generating a 4 figure monthly income.
Kieth Purkis
Now The BIG Question is?

We feel it is important to be honest, in fact we both base our whole marketing business on honesty and helping people succeed online.
Digital Profit Master is a complete training program that is absolutely packed full of value and will fast track your route to a successful product in no time. So in answer to that question, as long as you apply what we teach “Yes you will see a massive return on your investment”.
Digital Profit Master is NOT an eBook containing copy paste third rate information from the internet. This is a step by step fully integrated course that is full of amazing value to help you start creating the ultimate products you have always wanted. This course will earn you an income for years to come.
Please consider that Digital Profit Master is a complete step by step success course and it’s very easy to see how this product could sell for over $1000 or more.
Our marketing mission is to help people like you make an online income and give back as much as we can. We are not crazy we simply want to show you how to make an online income and at the same time make it affordable!
By choosing Digital Profit Master today, you will certainly benefit greatly and definitely won't be paying $1000 for all of this valuable content. In fact, if you ACT NOW then you can grab this killer home study course for the best price ever.
Yes, if you act now (during launch week) you will receive our complete product creation success course at the best price ever! Comprising of 6 easy to follow modules, along with easy to understand video tutorials, printable work sheets, Digital Profit Master PDF reports, Mind Maps reports, Printable Mind Maps, also dedicated support during and after product creation and a whole lot more...
We Are Also Giving You a 60 Day no Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee!

We know this works, but you might be skeptical and that’s perfectly normal. We get that.
So you can come on board, go through the program and judge for yourself.
We’ll even give you 60 days to try the whole thing out…
If, for whatever reason, you want your money back just let us know within 60 days and you’ll get a full refund, no questions asked.
That's right...
We will give you a complete refund no matter what the reason.
Because that's how confident we are that this will work for you, just like it's worked for everyone else who's followed our training
In short - Everyone who follows what we teach get results.
Because it works.
Remember! Create a Digital Product Once and
You Can Sell it as many Times as You Like
The BIG question now is...
Are you in?
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YES John & Dan - Let me in
YES. Please give me immediate access to “Digital Profit Master” today for this single super low investment.
YES. I understand I am short-cutting thousands of hours of painstaking research, trial and error by getting my hands on these proven product creation methods.
YES. Even if I am a complete newbie I know this will work for me as long as I follow your guidance.
YES. I want immediate access to these groundbreaking strategies right away so I can start applying them today and finally start creating awesome online products that I can sell over and over again.
I understand there is no risk whatsoever and I should grab Digital Profit Master RIGHT NOW for a very small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment and if I am not happy for whatever reason, I can request a refund under your 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.
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We look forward to hearing YOUR success stories! Now you can finally start creating and selling the products you have always wanted and start to make a real business!
We look forward to hearing about your success.

P.S. You are one click away from breaking through right now.
When we started trying to learn how to create profit pulling products there wasn't anything like this amazing program to help up.
Sure - there was information out there, but we had to find it. We did it the hard way!
Now you don't have to. We have provided over 20 years experience, tips, tricks and research into one accessible, simple to follow, easily explained members area which you can invest in today for one low price.
So you have a choice?
You can try and do all this on your own and make a lots of costly mistakes OR...
You can get this simple, step-by-step method right now and immediately breakthrough to creating your own amazing income generating products today!
Click the "Buy Now" button to get started...

YES John & Dan - Let me in
YES. Please give me immediate access to “Digital Profit Master” today for this single super low investment.
YES. I understand I am short-cutting thousands of hours of painstaking research, trial and error by getting my hands on these proven product creation methods.
YES. Even if I am a complete newbie I know this will work for me as long as I follow your guidance.
YES. I want immediate access to these groundbreaking strategies right away so I can start applying them today and finally start creating awesome online products that I can sell over and over again.
I understand there is no risk whatsoever and I should grab Digital Profit Master RIGHT NOW for a very small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment and if I am not happy for whatever reason, I can request a refund under your 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.
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